Industrial Decarbonization –
Priority Technical Spaces

Industrial Decarbonization –
Priority Technical Spaces | SoCalGas® invites you to learn about technology priorities in industrial decarbonization. Speakers from Darcy partners conducted a strategic analysis of technologies impacting industrial decarbonization and leveraged a variety of data sources to understand the impact of emergent industrial energy transition technologies. They identified three areas of priority: thermal energy storage, distributed hydrogen production, and point-source carbon capture. For each of these, Darcy explored early-stage companies working on these solutions and built out innovator comparisons identifying the key innovators and how their solutions differ. We will review these findings and discuss synergies these technologies may have with a gas utility.


Digitization | METRON has created an innovative product and set of strategies to reduce energy consumption, help to lower utility bills, and shrink carbon footprints. This technology seeks to tear down industrial data silos.
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