
Making a difference in our communities

Changing the world starts with the smallest gesture, which can ripple outward to empower entire communities. At SoCalGas, we believe in not only lending a hand, but in empowering people with a hand up, so they can further develop, grow, and subsequently empower others.

Our goal is to focus on charitable giving initiatives that create positive ripple effects throughout our community and truly make a better world. Beyond just numbers, we have turned our Charitable Giving Report into a quarterly video and magazine series entitled Empower, where we will be sharing the diverse personal human impacts that our charitable initiatives create. We sincerely hope you enjoy these stories as much as we do.

Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) 

HOPE's dedication to elevate Hispanas to positions of influence to give them a voice regionally, statewide, and nationally is mirrored in the actions of other Los Angeles organizations We are honored to support the work of these outstanding organizations to promote customer safety, social justice, and sustainability. Together we are building a better California.


Restaurant Resilience Fund

Nourishing Our Communities

Restaurants are cornerstones of our communities and in their most difficult hour, the Restaurants Care Resilience Fund offered hope. SoCalGas and the California Restaurant Foundation was able to provide grants to restaurants in Los Angeles who needed pandemic-related assistance.


Coming Full Circle

We forged a relationship with the Urban League by providing them with funding to help power the Construction Career Academy (CCA). The CCA helps provides people with the opportunity to take classes to gain skills to become qualified for construction and utility trades at no cost.


A Voice for the Voiceless

Our first edition of Empower focuses on our partnership with United Way. For years, we have been empowering the United Way of Greater Los Angeles through donations and volunteer hours. These efforts have helped advance United Way’s mission, which is to permanently break the cycle of poverty for our most vulnerable neighbors.