Authorized Contractors

Authorized Contractors

  • American Eco Services (dba ECO Services) - license # 290497
  • Eagle Systems International, Inc. (Synergy Companies) - license # 835016
  • Environmental Assessment & Education of California, INC (EASE) - license # 902992
  • Faith Com, Inc (FCI Management) - license # 931604
  • Free Energy Savings Company, LLC (dba/Quality Conservation Services (QCS) - license # 1034739
  • John Harrison Contracting, Inc. - license # 697530
  • Maravilla Foundation - license # 622969
  • MGM Construction Services, Inc.

Hand Tools

Use only hand tools within 24 inches on each side of marked utility lines to carefully expose the exact locations.


Confirm the utilities have marked the proposed work area. Natural gas is indicated in yellow. If no natural gas facilities are in your work area you may get a call, email, or see writing on the ground that indicates “no conflict” or “no natural gas.”


Do not dig until we either mark our natural gas pipelines or you are advised that the area is clear.


Submit a request online. or call 811 to submit a location request at least two business days before digging, not including the date of notification. SoCalGas will be contacted, as well as other utility owners, to mark the location of all utility-owned lines for FREE. Check utility responses to your 811 ticket by visiting or


Mark out your proposed excavation area. Use white paint or provide other markings.

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