Understanding My Bill

How to Read My Bill

Your SoCalGas Bill Explained
We walk you through common terms and charges you might see on your monthly bill.
How is My Natural Gas Bill Calculated?
Our rates are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, or CPUC, based on three components.
Overall, about 70% of your bill goes toward products and services provided to you essentially at cost, with the remaining 30% going toward a return on SoCalGas’s investment, depreciation and taxes in the natural gas system.
More information about how these charges are reflected on your bill can be found here.
How are Rates Calculated?
Paperless Billing
You could save time, paper, mailing costs, and help the environment by enrolling in paperless billing.

How to Read a Natural Gas Meter
Find out how to read your natural gas meter.

HomeServe Charges on My Bill
Questions about third-party charges on your natural gas bill? As a convenience to customers, we've been providing billing services to third parties selling energy-related or home safety-related products or services since the late 1990s.