Our Safety Goals

Our Safety Goals | Train 100% of identified employees in emergency management and incident response each year. Require 100% of approved pipeline construction contractors to have a formal safety management system program as part of contract requirements starting 2023. Enhance damage prevention program to decrease the rate of excavation damages to pipelines by 40% by 2030 compared to a 2020 baseline. Aim to achieve zero employee and contractor fatalities each year.

Energy Efficiency Customer Savings

chart-natural-gas-savings_750-494.jpg In the last five years, our programs have saved customers nearly $360 million and more than 240 million therms, or enough natural gas to power over 600,000 homes for a year, which helps advance our plan to exceed State energy efficiency goals each year. The programs have also reduced nearly 1.3 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions – equal to removing 284,000 cars from the road.
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