Keep Your 20% Discount

If you are already a part of the CARE program, avoid losing your discount by verifying your eligibility today. There are three ways you can verify:

  1. If you received a form in the mail, send us the completed form and all required documents in the postage paid envelope provided.
  2. Do everything online by visiting My Account or visiting
  3. Fax the form and required documents to the CARE department at 1-213-244-4665

You may call the CARE department at 1-800-207-8567, Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and a CARE representative will be happy to assist you.


What is the CARE verification and why was I selected to prove I am eligible?

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) instructed the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) to maintain a verification process to ensure that only qualified customers are receiving the benefit of the CARE discount. Customers who are recently enrolled or recertified for CARE are evaluated based on certain criteria which determines whether they will be asked to verify their eligibility. Customers who are selected for verification have 90 days to prove their eligibility for CARE.


I recently completed an application and became enrolled in CARE, or recently renewed my eligibility. Must I also complete the verification application?

Yes, you must complete the verification application. In order to maintain the discount, you are responsible for proving that you are eligible for CARE.


What if I no longer qualify for the CARE discount?

If you no longer qualify for CARE, you may fill in the circle on the verification application that corresponds to the statement: “Remove me from the CARE program." Then, return the application in the postage paid envelope provided. Once received, we will remove you from the CARE program. Or, if you would prefer to speak to a CARE representative, please call the phone number listed above.


What documents do I send to prove my eligibility?

See the Acceptable Documents Guide below for suggestions that pertain to you and your household. Or, you may call the CARE department and a CARE representative will be able to make suggestions after asking you a few questions.


Is it safe to submit my bank statement or social security information?

Your personal documentation is safely received in the CARE department at SoCalGas and securely shredded after 30 days. If you wish, feel free to blacken or white-out bank account or social security numbers.


I am paid in cash and do not have a pay stub. How can I prove my income?

You may write and submit a letter stating that you are paid in cash. Include your name, address, your weekly or monthly gross income, and SoCalGas account number. Sign and date the letter and mail the verification application and letter in the postage paid envelope provided.


What if I do not have current information but must wait for a current pay stub or other documentation? 

Customers have 90 days to submit their information. If you feel it will take longer than 90 days, please speak to a CARE representative by calling the phone number listed above.


I do not have access to a copy machine. If I send in my proof of eligibility documentation, can I receive it back? 

Yes, we will be glad to mail your documents back to you. Simply include a note stating that you request to have your proof of eligibility documents mailed back to you or email the CARE department at within 30 days from submittal. Please make sure to include the name of the customer of record and the account number when submitting your request. 


I sent in my verification application and my pay stubs. I received a letter that requests additional income information for the other adults in the household. What should I do? 

Income information for each adult must be submitted. If the other adults in the household do not have a means of financial support, or are not enrolled in an assistance program, simply state that on a sheet of paper and mail it back with the letter you received, in the postage paid envelope provided.  Or, you may discuss this with a CARE representative by calling the phone number listed above.


What happens if I do not verify my CARE eligibility?

Customers who do not complete the verification process are removed from the CARE discount and rebilled for up to three months at the regular residential rate. This means a loss of three months of CARE credit received.


I missed the deadline to verify my eligibility and was rebilled, what can I do now?

Complete the verification application and return it along with proof of income or proof of participation in a qualifying assistance program. The CARE discount will not be retroactive but will take effect once your information is received and approved. If you no longer have the verification application, visit My Account to complete it online or request another by calling 1-800-207-8567.


Why was I not informed that my CARE discount was going to be terminated?

We remind customers through a bill message via mail or a My Account message which states: “The Gas Company has not received your completed verification application and proof of income. Please mail these documents immediately to continue receiving the CARE discounted rate and to avoid corrective billings.”


Acceptable Documents Guide 

The chart below contains examples of acceptable verification documents. You must send current documentation for proof of participation in a public assistance program listed below OR ALL income sources that currently apply to your household. You can also send (in place of the documents below) a complete copy of your most recent federal income tax return, as long as it includes all sources of your household income. 

If providing a screenshot or copy of documentation, please ensure it includes the following:

  • A clear and readable image
  • The name of the issuing agency or website
  • The customer's or household member's name
  • The date (current or within the last 12 months)
  • The amount, if demonstrating income proof

Note: For your protection, please black out Social Security and/or bank account numbers on all copies.


Document Participation Guide




  • Current letter of eligibility or Benefits ID card with a valid issue date within the last 12 months
  • Form 1095-B, Health Coverage DHCS 68-0317191

Medi-Cal for Families A&B

  • Current statement showing monthly premium amount (no older than 12 months)

Women, Infants, & Children (WIC)

  • WIC Authorization Folder (WAF) with ID Number (must have a future dated appointment including month/date/year or current WIC voucher)
  • Award letter or Notice of Action letter
  • WIC Phone App Screenshot of Appointment

CalWORKs (TANF), Tribal TANF

  • Current Notice of Action, computer printout of benefit letter showing current participation dated within the last 12 months

Head Start Income Eligible – Tribal Only

  • Current Award Letter (Notice of Action), an approved Head Start application or statement of enrollment in Head Start

CalFresh (Food Stamps)

  • Current Award Letter (aka: Notice of Action), or letter of eligibility dated within the last 12 months

Bureau of Indian Affairs - General Assistance

  • Current Notice of Action from County Social Services, copy of current check, and/or ID card dated within the last 12 months

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

  • Current Award or Acceptance letter (must explicitly state NSLP)
  • Current school year Acceptance Letter from School or School district

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

  • Proof of direct payment to the utility or copy of Energy Intake Form (CSD 43)
  • Proof of LIHEAP Payment to Utility

Supplemental Security Income

  • Notice of Planned Action dated within the last 12 months or recent bank statement of direct deposit
  • IRS Form 1099


Documentation Guide



Wages, Salary, Paychecks, Tips, Commissions

  • Copies of the two most recent consecutive pay stubs showing gross income
  • Federal Tax Form: Form 1040 and accompanying worksheets Schedule(s) 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, or Form 2555, or Form W-2, or Form 1065 or Form 1099M for all wage earners

Social Security (SS), Social Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Workers Compensation

  • Current statements of Benefits, two most recent copies of Checks, Bank Statements showing the deposits, IRS Form 1040, or IRS Form 1099

Unemployment Benefits

  • Copy of current check or printout from Employment Development Department
  • Two most recent consecutive check or check stubs
  • Award Letter/Notice of Action Letter from Employment Development Department
  • Federal Income Tax filing with W2s and/or 1099s attached

Pensions and Annuities

  • Copies of current check, annual statement from pension plan or bank statement showing pension deposit
  • Two most recent consecutive check or check stubs
  • Most recent Award Letter/Notice of Action

Disability Compensation

  • Copy of current check, printout from agency or insurance company verifying the amount

Profit from Self-Employment

  • IRS Form 1040, plus Schedule C or C-EZ
  • IRS Form 1099(s)
  • Affidavit of Income

Rental Income, Royalty Income

  • IRS Form 1040, plus Schedule E for rental income or Form 1065
  • Rental agreement specifying rent amount and affidavit

Interest/Dividends from Savings Accounts, Retirement Accounts, Stocks, Bonds

  • Monthly or quarterly statement of interest income from bank or agency, IRS Form 1040, or IRS Form 1099(s)

Insurance, Legal settlements

  • Settlement documents

Child and/or Spousal Support

  • Most recent Court Documents showing child and/or spousal support amounts, or copy of current check, or signed letter from paying spouse showing amount and frequency
  • Bank Statements
  • Affidavit of Income from recipient/Notarized Document

Veteran’s Benefits

  • A letter indicating receipt of Veteran’s Pension or copy of V.A. check
  • V.A. two most recent consecutive check or check stubs

School Grants, Scholarships, or Other Aid

  • Award Letters, two most recent consecutive Pay Stubs, or copy of the check or financial statement of annual benefit from college, university, or bank

Support from an Individual

  • Copy of check and statement signed by person providing support showing amount and frequency
  • Affidavit from the individual

Other sources of income

  • Documentation of other monies received by your household and used to pay your monthly bills

None of the Sources Above

  • A statement explaining the sources of income used to support your household
  • Affidavit of Income


The CARE program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until such funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice. Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.