Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

For more information about LIHEAP programs, contact the Department of Community Services and Development at www.csd.ca.gov.* or call 1-866-675-6623.
Hearing Impaired, TDD/TTY 1-916-263-1402 or CA Relay Service 711.
In addition to our energy assistance programs, you may qualify for assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LIHEAP is a federally funded energy assistance program that may help you pay your utility bill if you're income-qualified. Funds pledged to assist customers of SoCalGas® are distributed through local community-based organizations, assistance agencies, and certain government agencies.
LIHEAP Weatherization Assistance Program
You might benefit from the LIHEAP Weatherization Assistance Program to help make your home more energy-efficient, with no-cost or reduced-cost insulation, hot water heater blankets, low-flow showerheads, and other weatherization services.
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
LIHWAP is a federally funded grant that offers one-time financial support to help customers pay their past due or current residential water utility bills. For more information and to learn how to apply, visit the LIHWAP page.