Energy Efficient New Homes Program

Energy Efficiency Program for Builders of Eligible New Single-Family and Multi-Family Projects Has Been Updated
SoCalGas has updated the Energy Efficient New Homes (EENH) Program that provides builders of new single-family and multi-family homes that exceed State of California Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards with rebates for installing qualifying energy-efficient natural gas appliances and controller devices.
The EENH Program is available now and accepting applications to reserve funds for residential new construction projects not already enrolled in another utility-based energy efficiency incentive program.
Funds are limited, and projects must meet program requirements to be eligible.
To learn more, download the SoCalGas EENH Program Guidebook.
Over 13,000 Units and Projects Enrolled in 2021 to Help Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Read the full 2021 EENH Program Performance press release.
SoCalGas President Talks About EENH and Other Builder Programs
Read the entire interview with SoCalGas President Maryam Brown in the April 2022 edition of BIASC’s Southern California Builder digital magazine.
Contact Us
Call 1-866-563-2637 or send an email to: NewHomes@socalgas.com
The Energy Efficient New Homes Program is funded by SoCalGas customers and administered by Southern California Gas Company, under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program funds, including any funds utilized for rebates or incentives, will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until such funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice. The selection, purchase, and ownership of goods and/or services are the sole responsibility of customer. SoCalGas makes no warranty, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, of goods or services selected by customer. SoCalGas does not endorse, qualify, or guarantee the work of any third party. Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.