2024 Foodservice Equipment Expo

With no-cost registration, the 11th annual Foodservice Equipment Expo provides an opportunity to reconnect and rebuild with innovation at one of the industry's largest West Coast showcases of natural gas and energy-efficient commercial foodservice equipment. Leading industry manufacturers will display and demonstrate their brands as attendees visit booths and live-action cooking stations, sample artisan foods cooked on a variety of natural gas equipment, network, and learn about available rebates. Attend any day at no-cost!
Day 1 - Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Register
Day 2 - Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Register
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
SoCalGas Energy Resource Center. 9240 Firestone Blvd. Downey, CA 90241*
For More Information:
Email - ercfoodsvc@socalgas.com
Phone - 562-803-7323
Network and renew industry relationships
Discover new labor and operational savings, and performance tools
Learn about new products and technologies for success.
Space is limited and offered on a space-available basis. SoCalGas reserves the right to cancel this event. In the event of such cancellation, SoCalGas has no responsibility for non-refundable or other costs incurred by registrants in anticipation of the event. SoCalGas is not responsible for the views, interpretations or recommendations presented in this event, which reflect the positions of the presenters. The selection, purchase, and ownership of goods are the sole responsibility of registrant. SoCalGas makes no warranty, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, of any goods discussed or showcased at this event.
This event may be scheduled for audio/video recording, which may in the future be distributed or otherwise utilized by SoCalGas in its sole discretion, including use by third parties. By registering for this event you acknowledge reading this disclaimer and agree that you have been fully informed of yourconsent to recording, waiver of liability, and release to allow use of your voice, name, and image, without compensation, before entering the event. Should you not agree to the above, you must sit in the area designated as outside of the recording view and not allow your voice to be recorded.
SoCalGas neither endorses any particular manufacturer, vendor, service provider, or presenter discussed at this event nor does it endorse any particular goods or service of such manufacturer, vendor, service provider, or presenter. SoCalGas is not responsible for the views, interpretations, or recommendations presented in this event, which reflect the positions of the manufacturer, vendor, service provider, or presenter.