Gas Suppliers for Noncore Customers

SoCalGas customers have the option of purchasing their natural gas from a gas supplier. This list of natural gas suppliers is provided by SoCalGas solely as a convenience to noncore customers. This list will be updated periodically. Natural gas suppliers who would like to be included on future lists, or those with changes or corrections to this list may contact Norma Boddy by phone at 1-213-244-5073 or by email at nboddy@socalgas.com.
Neither the Commission's regulation of this list nor SoCalGas' publication thereof constitutes any statement, recommendation, endorsement, approval or guaranty (either express or implied) of the financial stability or service quality of any service providers, of any product or service, or of any other matter respecting the product, service and/or provider, whether or not listed. Moreover, neither the Commission nor SoCalGas shall be responsible for errors or omissions in this list, for claims or damages relating to the use thereof, or for continued publication thereof, provided that SoCalGas will comply with all Commission directives respecting services provider lists. Users of this list should understand that it is offered as a convenience only and that in utilizing resources on this list, they should always independently determine the quality and suitability for their purposes of all products and services they wish to obtain, and carefully select a service provider on the basis of their own judgment regarding cost, capability and reliability.
Non-Core Energy Suppliers
Company Name/Contact | Role |
ABQ Energy Group, Ltd. |
Absolute Resource Management LTD |
Anahau Energy, LLC |
ARM Energy Management LLC |
Bmark Energy, Inc. |
BP Energy Company |
BP Energy Retail Company LLC Contact: Gabriela Walker Phone: (619) 564-2243 |
Calpine Energy Solutions, LLC Contact: Gene Owens Phone: (424) 228-2732 Phone: (619) 684-8004 |
Castleton Commodities International Contact: Drew Cluff Phone: (801) 456-2661 Fax: (801) 214-2456 Email: Email: drew.cluff@cci.com Best Way To Contact Phone Email |
Chevron Natural Gas |
Cima Energy, LP |
Citadel Energy Marketing LLC Contact: Jim Vallillo Phone: (203) 900-6165 Email: jim.vallillo@citadel.com
Commercial Energy of Montana Inc. |
Concord Energy, LLC |
Conoco Phillips Company
Email ICE Phone |
Constellation NewEnergy Gas Division LLC |
CRC Marketing Inc |
Defense Energy Supply Center2 |
Devlar Energy Marketing, LLC |
Direct Energy Business, LLC |
Directed Biogas, LLC |
DMJ Gas Marketing Consultants |
DXT Commodities North America, Inc. |
Early Bird Power, LLC |
EDF Trading |
Freepoint Commodities LLC |
Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. |
| |
Koch Energy Services, LLC Contact: Kevin Legg Best Way to Contact: Phone or Email |
MacQuarie Energy Inc. |
Mansfield Power and Gas, LLC Contact: Martin Trotter Phone: (678) 450-2040 |
Mercuria Energy America, Inc. |
Nextera Energy Power Marketing, LLC |
Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp |
North Star Gas Company, LLC |
Occidental Energy Marketing |
Pacific Summit Energy LLC |
Phillips 66 Energy Trading LLC |
RFP Energy Solutions LLC |
RGI Energy |
School Project for Utility RateReduction (SPURR) |
Sequent Energy Management, L.P. |
Shell Energy North America (US), L. P. |
Spark Energy Gas, LP |
State of Calif. - General Services3 |
Summit Energy |
Symmetry Energy Solutions |
Tenaska Marketing Ventures |
Tesoro Refining & Marketing LLC |
ThinkWire Energy Services |
Tiger Natural Gas |
Titan Gas, LLC |
Total Utility Management Services, LLC |
Twin Eagle Resource Management LLC |
United Energy Trading, LLC |
Utility Savings & Refund, LLC |
Williams Gas Marketing, Inc |
1A Contracted Marketer may perform the same functions as an Agent, that is, the purchasing, nominating and balancing of gas supplies for one or more transportation customers. A Contracted Marketer is required to sign a Master Services Contract (referred to herein as "MSC") and MSC Schedule B, Marketer/Core Aggregator/Use or Pay Aggregator Agreement (Form Nos. 6597 and 6597-2) with the Utility and as part of such agreement accepts the financial responsibility of managing imbalances for their customers.
2Represents Federal public sector facilities
3Represents State public government agencies.
The CARE program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until such funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice. Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.