An interconnection receipt point allows for a new source of natural gas supply to be sold to the marketplace via the SoCalGas® network of natural gas pipelines.

Although there are many different sources of natural gas, the process of obtaining an interconnection is similar no matter what the source. Due to the complexity of our system, it's important that you contact SoCalGas at least 24 months before the desired in-service date so we can help you find the most cost-effective interconnection for your needs.

How To Get Started – Produced Natural Gas: Associated and/or Dry Natural Gas

Review and complete the Form 5500 Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Fact Sheet which SoCalGas will use to evaluate our ability to accept supplies from your project.

  • If you already know the name of your SoCalGas account representative, call them directly and/or email your completed project fact sheet.
  • If you don't know your account representative, email the project fact sheet to and SoCalGas will reply to your request.
  • You can also call Evan Garza, Energy Market Project Manager, at 661-393-1956.

For natural gas other than renewable gas, the California Public Utility Commission has approved a number of tariff rules that govern the requirements for all natural gas supplies entering our system, specifically, Tariff Rule 39 and Tariff Rule 30


Rule No. 39

Rule No. 39, Access to the SoCalGas Pipeline System, provides the terms of access and interconnection capacity studies. Developing an interconnection with the SoCalGas system starts with a process involving a confidentiality agreement and three studies. Any party seeking an interconnection is required to pay 100% of the costs for each study. An invoice for the estimated cost of each study will be issued and must be funded before each study can begin.

  1. The first step is entering into a confidentiality agreement, which requires verification of the interconnector’s legal entity identification and description of the project.
  2. The second step begins with a written and funded supplier request for an Interconnection Capacity Study to determine the Utility’s downstream capability to take away supplies from the interconnection point and the associated Utility facility enhancement costs. The supplier’s request needs to identify where and when the new supply will be delivered to the Utility and the volume to be received.  The Capacity Study step also provides Interconnectors with the option to request a deviation from the gas quality specifications defined in SoCalGas' Rule 30, Paragraph I.3.  If SoCalGas determines such gas will not have a negative impact on system operations, SoCalGas is required to file an Advice Letter for CPUC approval prior to gas flowing in the Utility system.
  3. The third step is a written and funded request for Preliminary Engineering Study after the Interconnection Capacity Study is completed. In this step SoCalGas will include cost estimates for land acquisition, site development, right-of-way, metering, gas quality, permitting, regulatory, environmental, unusual construction costs, and operating and maintenance costs, which are not included in an Interconnection Capacity Study.
  4. The final step is a written and funded request for Detailed Engineering Study which would describe all costs of construction, develop complete engineering/construction drawings, and prepare all construction and environmental permit applications along with ROW acquisition requirements.

If you already have an interconnection and are considering increasing receipt point capacity, you have three funding options as outlined in Section B.7 of Rule 39.


Rule No. 30

Rule No. 30 provides the general terms and conditions applicable whenever the Utility transports customer-owned natural gas over its system. The supplier or interconnector is responsible for processing the natural gas or biogas as necessary to meet the Rule 30 specifications for pipeline quality natural gas so that it is then capable of being received into our natural gas transportation system for sale throughout Southern California. 

Learn about interconnecting Renewable Gas (RG) to SoCalGas' pipeline


The information contained herein is made available solely for informational purposes. Although SoCalGas has used reasonable efforts to assure the accuracy of the information at the time of its inclusion, no express or implied representation is made that it is free from error or suitable for any particular use or purpose. SoCalGas assumes no responsibility for any use thereof by you, and you should discuss decisions related to this subject with your own advisors and experts.