Lower Rates for Health Conditions

Lower Rates for Health Conditions
The Medical Baseline Allowance Program provides additional natural gas at the lowest baseline rate for SoCalGas customers who require additional heating due to medical needs. It is not a discount or rebate. Eligibility is not based on income.
How to Qualify
You may qualify for the Medical Baseline Allowance program if you, another full-time resident of your home, or your patient:
- Is temperature-sensitive and requires additional space heating due to a medical condition.
- Is disabled.
- Has a life-threatening illness, compromised immune system, or other condition that requires heating.
- Requires medical provider certification.
How to Apply
There are various ways customers can apply.
You will need your medical provider's name and email address to apply online.
Open the online application and complete the required fields in Part 1. After completing, you will be prompted to enter the medical provider's information. You can also add a personal message to your provider.
You will receive an email verifying your email address. Once verified, the application will automatically be sent to your provider to complete Part 2. Please let them know to expect an email from SoCalGas.
Once your provider completes Part 2, the form will automatically be returned to us for processing, and you will receive a confirmation email that the document was completed.
Kaiser will not complete our online form. Learn how to apply as a Kaiser patient.
Apply by email, mail or fax:
Download and complete Part 1 of the application.
Ask your medical provider to complete Part 2 of the application. If you are the medical provider (M.D./D.O./N.P./P.A.), please fill out Part 2 of the application yourself.
Send the application to us via email to MedicalBaselineProgram@socalgas.com
Send the application to us via mail to:
SoCalGas Medical Baseline Allowance Program
M. L. GT19A1
P.O. Box 513249
Los Angeles, CA 90051-1249
Current Medical Baseline Customers
Current non-permanent Medical Baseline customers must recertify with their medical provider's authorization. For self-certification information, see below.

Frequently asked
- The program provides a daily allowance of .822 therms (a standard unit of measuring heat energy), which is about 25 more therms per month at the lowest rate.
- Eligibility is only based on medical condition, NOT on income.
- Covered conditions include medical conditions for which additional space heating is necessary. Medical Provider's certification is required. We are now accepting applications via email from you and your medical provider.
- You can own or rent your housing.
- Service does not have to be in the patient’s name.
- A household can have the allowance in conjunction with other assistance programs.
- The allowance does not cover heating spas or pools for therapy.
- You may qualify even if your landlord bills you for your natural gas. The landlord will reflect the allowance on your billing statement.
As a Kaiser Permanente customer, you will need to contact your local unit to initiate the process for completing your Medical Baseline Application. Kaiser will not complete the form using our online e-signature platform and will not return the forms directly to a 3rd party such as SoCalGas.
To get started, find the correct email address for your local unit and attach a PDF application with Part 1 completed. Once Kaiser returns the forms to you, please forward them to us. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to your local Kaiser Permanente office or their support team.
For more information on this program, please call 1-800-427-2200 or email MedicalBaselineProgram@socalgas.com.
Additional Languages
- Español: 1-800-342-4545
- 國語: 1-800-427-1429
- 粵語: 1-800-427-1420
- 한국어: 1-800-427-0471
- Tiếng Việt: 1-800-427-0478
- For other languages: 1-888-427-1345
- Hearing impaired (TDD): 1-800-252-0259
Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.