Energy Efficiency Saving Programs

Service RCx+
Service RCx+ helps large commercial SoCalGas customers improve the operations of their facilities by directly implementing no-cost retrocommissioning and optimization services. By participating, eligible customers could improve facility performance, realize energy savings benefits measured at the meter, track performance, and receive ongoing support to keep facility operations optimized.Contractor: Veolia North America
Small Business Savings (SBS) Program
The SBS Program targets all small and medium customer facilities under 50,000 therms located in San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange counties. The program focuses on helping businesses lower their energy bill and improve competitiveness by saving energy through several program resources, including assessments, kits, and prescribed incentives.Contractor: Franklin Energy
Public Direct Install (PDI) Program
The PDI Program targets small and medium public facilities, local and federal government buildings, and K-12 educational facilities. Qualify for installation of no-cost measures and co-pay advanced energy efficiency measures.Contractor: Synergy Companies
Large Public Sector (LPS) Program
The LPS Program offers no-cost services to help you meet your energy efficiency goals by determining opportunities for energy savings and prioritizing according to your capital plans. The LPS program serves Local government, Federal government, K-12 Education, Special districts, Public-Owned utilities; Cities, Counties, County hospitals, Health districts, Transportation, Public housing, Water/Wastewater (not statewide), Correctional facilities (not statewide). These customers must have an active SoCalGas account and use at least 50,000 therms annually. State buildings are not eligible.Contractor: Energy Infrastructure Partners
Large Commercial Program
The Large Commercial Program is an energy efficiency program that offers financial incentives for the implementation and verification of natural gas-saving technologies. The program supports a comprehensive list of upgrades and provides technical assistance and financing options.Contractor: Willdan
Commercial Building Energy Solutions & Technologies (C-BEST) Program
The C-BEST Program targets SoCalGas business customers outside of San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange counties that use under 50,000 therms. The program can help pinpoint energy-efficiency improvements that could reduce overhead operating costs, improve customer and employee comfort, reduce maintenance time and costs, as well as help save money and energy.Contractor: ICF
Agriculture Energy Efficiency (AgEE) Program
The AgEE Program serves agricultural SoCalGas customers by providing technical support in installing cost-effective solutions through a combination of strategic measure focus and driving customer awareness of both energy efficiency (EE) and non-EE measure benefits. AgEE offers monetary rebates for qualifying upgrades and access to potential grant funding and financing options.Contractor: ICF