Activities by City

Current Activities
Dates provided are estimates, weather and other factors affecting safe working conditions could change the schedules. The public may see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors around the general construction areas.
Area between Adelanto and Boron
- Equipment Repairs: 2/24/2025 – 4/7/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: None. This work will take place in remote areas with minimal traffic. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Near the intersection of Best Ave and Ward Rd
- Valve Upgrade: 2/3/2025 – 4/3/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Thursday from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
North of the Intersection of E. Victoria St. and S. Central Ave
- Regulator Station Upgrade: 3/10/2025 – 5/10/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: None
South of S. Wilmington Ave. and E. Watson Center Rd
- Robo In-line Inspection: 2/3/2025 – 5/3/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Friday from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors. The traffic impacts are TBD.
Chino Hills
Pipeline Ave near Clubhouse Way
- Deep Well Anode Replacement: 2/3/2025 – 5/3/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flag personnel, lane closures, and potential detours will be posted along the construction routes. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Delano Junction and Visalia Station
- In-line Inspection: 3/31/2025 – 6/23/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Saturday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Diamond Bar
Various streets within Allegro Condo Comm
- Main and Service Line Replacements: 1/6/2025 – 5/6/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flag personnel, lane closures, and potential detours will be posted along the construction routes. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Fontana/Yorba Linda
Duncan Canyon Rd in Fontana/Esperanza Rd in Yorba Linda
- In-line Inspection: 3/31/2025 – 5/31/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Vieja Dr. between Carriage Hill Ln. and Via Cayente
- Hydrotest: 3/17/25 - 4/10/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Saturday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Vehicular traffic traveling past the construction site may experience a brief delay allowing construction personnel to ensure safe passage past the construction site. Traffic control signage, flagging personnel, no parking signs, and lane closures will be posted along the construction route.
Within the Desert Grove Adult Community Mobile Home Park
- Main and Service Line Replacements: 9/3/2024 - 5/3/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flag personnel, lane closures, and potential detours will be posted along the construction routes. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Los Angeles
Along Normandie Ave between W. 190th St. and 186th St
- New Main Installation: 3/17/2025 - 5/17/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Friday - Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Community Impacts: A lane closure will occur along the southbound lanes of Normandie Ave. Traffic control signage, flagging personnel, no parking signage, lane closures, and detours will be posted along the construction route.
West of Intersection of Park Ln and Mariposa Ln
- SCCDA Dig: 3/3/2025 - 4/14/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: None
Intersection of Rice Ave and E. 5th St
- Robo In-line Inspection/Direct Examination: 1/13/2025 - 6/13/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flagging personnel, no parking signage, lane closures, and detours will be posted along the construction route.
Near the Intersection of E Avenue S & 30th St E.
- Valve Leak Repair: 3/10/2025 – 4/21/2025
- Work Hours: Monday – Thursday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors. Two eastbound lanes will be closed along E Ave S between 28th St E and just after 30th St E. Two northbound lanes will be closed along 30th St E between Ave S-2 and E Ave S. The single northbound lane along 30th St E will restrict right turns. The southbound left turn lane along 30th St E will be closed, and the through traffic lane will also be utilized for left turns.
Pico Rivera
SoCalGas Pico Rivera Base at 8101 Rosemead Blvd
- Living Lab Construction: 3/3/2025 - 5/12/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Rancho Cucamonga/Redlands
Etiwanda Station (Arrow Rte & Pecan Ave) to Mountain View Power Plant (Mountain View Ave & San Bernadino Ave)
- In-line Inspection: 1/13/2025 - 3/24/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors. Launcher site: westbound lanes of Arrow Rte will be temporarily reduced to one lane and only during work hours. Receiver site: northbound lanes of Mountain View Ave will be temporarily reduced to one lane and only during work hours.
San Bernardino
Intersection of E 3rd St and N Tippecanoe Ave
- New Regulator Station Installation: 2/24/2025 - 5/26/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Closure of two eastbound lanes on E 3rd St. One lane closed in each direction of N Tippecanoe Ave. Traffic will be taken down daily. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
San Jacinto
Intersection of Esplanade Ave & State St
- Drop section: 12/9/2024 - 4/9/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flag personnel, lane closures, and potential detours will be posted along the construction routes. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Santa Barbara
Near the intersection of Stanwood Dr and Mission Ridge Rd
- Deep Well Anode Installation: 3/10/2025 - 5/12/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Santa Clarita
Near Shannondale Rd and Shannon Valley Rd (Dig 1), Dusty Rd and Sierra Hwy (Dig 2), and near the Santa Clara River and 14 Freeway (Dig 3)
- Validation Digs: 2/24/2025 - 5/24/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Santa Clarita/Los Angeles/Encino
NW of intersection of Golden Valley Rd and Robert C. Lee Pkwy (Santa Clarita), near the intersection of Inglewood Blvd and Jefferson Blvd (Los Angeles), near the intersection of Killion St and Yarmouth Ave (Encino)
- In-line Inspection: 2/24/2025 - 5/24/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flagging personnel, no parking signage, and detours will be postponed along the construction route at the different location.
Sun Valley
Intersection of Glenoaks Blvd and Trusedale St
- Leak Repair: 2/2025 - 4/2025
- Work Hours: Sunday- Friday from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors. (4) lanes closure including left turn lane, south bound to north bound, along Glenoaks Blvd east of Truesdale St during construction hours. Lane Shift of south bound to north bound causing (1) north bound lane and (1) south bound lane.
Along Diaz Rd and Via Montezuma
- Main Installation: 12/9/2024 - 4/9/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signages will be posted along the construction routes. Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors.
Along the Walnut Trail adjacent to Harvard Ave
- Leak Repair: 2/24/2025 - 4/24/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Walnut Trail will be closed for duration of project. Overnight tie-in work will take place in March 2025.
Near the intersection of N Olive St and W McFarlane Dr
- In-line Inspection: 1/6/2025 -5/6/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
- Community Impacts: Residents and businesses in the area may see additional truck traffic, and personnel on-site during this scheduled work period. Public parking will remain available for all residents and businesses. Those in the immediate area may hear construction noise from the equipment and crews during work hours.
Yorba Linda/Placentia
Esperanza Rd in Yorba Linda/Near Intersection of Via Burton and Placentia Ave in Placentia
- In-line Inspection: 2/10/2025 - 4/10/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Community Impacts: Traffic control signage, flagging personnel, no parking signage, lane closures, and detours will be posted along Placentia Avenue.
Yucca Valley/29 Palms
- Remediation Digs: 1/6/2025 - 3/31/2025
- Work Hours: Monday - Friday from 6:00 am to 6:30 pm
- Community Impacts: Customers will see trucks and heavy equipment from SoCalGas and our contractors. There are 4 locations for the digs. Dig E157 at Hawkins Landing Gold Club will not result in any traffic impacts. The other three locations may experience temporary lane closures that will be taken down daily.