An Investment in Our Energy Infrastructure

The Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement project (ACTR) was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission in November 2013. The ACTR project replaces natural gas turbine-driven compressors installed in the 1970s with more efficient electric motor-driven compressors. When completed later this year, the state-of-the-art upgrade will reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the facility by about 70,000 metric tons, or 90 percent, each year. In addition to making the operation of the storage facility more environmentally friendly, the turbine replacement project will enhance the reliability of the region's natural gas service, and protect customers against service interruptions or price spikes during periods of high demand.

Project Construction Update

Construction and commissioning of all five project components is complete.

The new compressors will allow SoCalGas to replenish the storage field more quickly, ensuring a reliable supply of natural gas for more than 21 million residents, businesses, and other critical facilities across Southern California. While the new compressors will allow for SoCalGas to achieve the desired natural gas inventory more quickly, they will not place additional pressure on wells or other infrastructure. In addition, the project did not increase the total capacity of the storage field.

The illustration below shows the flow of electricity (figures 1 and 2) to our natural gas storage facility (figures 3 and 4) where the gas is stored deep underground. When needed, natural gas is withdrawn from the storage field and delivered through our pipelines (figure 5) to homes and businesses (figure 6).

aliso canyon construction diagram

Project Scope

1. Construct a new compressor building and install new equipment, including three 22,000-horsepower (HP) motors, compressors, piping, coolers and other additional equipment required for the storage operations.

2. Relocate existing office facilities and relocate the facility's guardhouse to help improve traffic flow on Sesnon Boulevard.

3. SoCalGas will construct a new 12 kilovolt (kV) power line that will provide dedicated electric service to the upgraded Aliso Canyon storage facility from SCE's new substation.

4. SCE will construct a customer-dedicated substation at the Aliso Canyon storage facility and will modify an existing 66 kV subtransmission line from SCE's Newhall Substation in Santa Clarita to the new substation at Aliso Canyon. It will supply power to the facility.

5. SCE will make minor modifications to three existing SCE substations (Newhall, Chatsworth and San Fernando Substations) to accommodate the 66 kV service to the Aliso Canyon storage facility.

Other Infrastructure and Safety Upgrades at Aliso Canyon

The Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project is the latest of a series of operational and infrastructure upgrades in support of continued safety at Aliso Canyon. Other work we have completed includes:

  • Replacing the inner steel tubing of every approved well;
  • Using the casing around the new inner steel tubing - tested to ensure integrity under pressure - to provide a physical, secondary barrier of protection against potential leaks; Operating the facility at reduced pressure, as directed by CPUC; and
  • Withdrawing and injecting natural gas only through the inner steel tubing of those wells that have passed all tests and have been approved for use by DOGGR.

Aliso Canyon Safety Plan

We're committed to being a good steward of our environment and improving fire safety around our facilities. In addition to safety training for our employees, emergency response plans, agency inspections, and well-safety systems, we have implemented the following measures to help ensure safety of our storage facility.

Safety Audits and Inspections


2013 1st Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2013 2nd Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2014 1st Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2014 2nd Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2015 1st Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2015 2nd Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2016 1st Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2016 2nd Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2017 1st Semi-annual inspection (PDF)

2017 2nd Semi-annual inspection (PDF)


Our Commitment to Safety

The safety of our customers, the communities we serve and our employees is the top priority for all of us at SoCalGas. To help ensure safe operations of our facilities and to help inform the public of our safety record, we have implemented the following:

Helpful Resources