We believe customers deserve a choice in gas suppliers. That’s why we want to make sure our customers know their options for buying natural gas.

The Core Aggregation Transportation (CAT) Service provides core customers using 250,000 therms or less per year, residential customers and natural gas vehicle customers the option to purchase natural gas from natural gas marketers, also known as aggregators.

We'll continue to provide the same high-quality transportation services for natural gas purchased from aggregators. Participating customers will pay the aggregator’s natural gas commodity charges and SoCalGas’ transportation charges.


CAT at a Glance

  • CAT is available to all core customers.
  • Participating in CAT allows core customers to shop and compare Core Transport Agents (CTAs) and services.
  • CTAs are regulated by the CPUC and they must meet certain CPUC-approved requirements.
  • CAT participants have more flexibility to negotiate specific terms and rates for their natural gas supplies and other services.
  • CAT participants may or may not realize savings, depending on terms negotiated with the CTA.
  • CAT participants continue to receive reliable SoCalGas non-procurement services


Core Transport Agents (CTAs)

CTAs are individuals, companies or consortiums that arrange for the procurement of natural gas on behalf of customers. CTAs purchase natural gas, arrange transportation of the natural gas and balance natural gas delivery, storage, and consumption.

CAT customers may or may not realize cost savings depending on the contract terms negotiated between the customer and the CTA compared with SoCalGas’ core customer rates.

SoCalGas' Monthly Gas Procurement Rates may serve as a useful benchmark in evaluating your natural gas procurement options.


How to Sign Up for CAT

If you're interested in receiving Core Aggregation Transportation Service under SoCalGas' CAT Program, contact CTAs and discuss your options. If you decide this service meets your needs and agree to proceed, the CTAs will instruct us to switch your account to the CAT. The CTA will need your billing account, meter number and service address as they appear at the top of your SoCalGas monthly bill.


Billing Options

As a participant, there are a few different billing options that you can choose from.

  1. Dual Billing - Under this option the customer would receive two bills, one bill from SoCalGas for natural gas transportation services and another bill from the ESP for the natural gas commodity charges.
  2. Consolidated Billing - Under this option the customer would receive one bill from SoCalGas that includes charges for both SoCalGas transportation services and the CTA’s gas commodity charges.
  3. CTA Billed - Under this option the customer would receive one bill from the CTA that includes charges for both SoCalGas transportation services and the CTA gas commodity charges. SoCalGas will provide customers choosing this option with a "View-Only" bill for their records. Your billing arrangement may depend upon the service types offered by your CTA.

Switching Core Transport Agents

The agreement with your CTA should outline any cancellation process and conditions. Any disagreements should then be worked out between you and your CTA. Initially, customers are committed to participate in the CAT Program for one year. After the first year, customers can switch to a different CTA or return to SoCalGas procurement services. If your CTA terminates service to customers, you'll return to SoCalGas procurement service. You will continue to be responsible for payment of SoCalGas transportation bills regardless of any payment arrangements made between you and your CTA.


Terminating Service

Initial participation in the CAT program is 12 months. After the initial term, customers can return to SoCalGas for procurement service or select another CTA. As a Residential customer, you can cancel service with a CTA until 30 days after receipt of their first statement. As a Commercial customer, you can cancel within three business days. Customer Termination Request Form (PDF)

CAT customers can return to SoCalGas' procurement service prior to the end of the initial 12-month period, with no interruption to their gas supply if the CTA goes out of business, is otherwise unable to perform or releases the customer back to us. However, the customer may be liable for unpaid charges incurred by the CTA on behalf of the customer under the CAT program.

CAT customers have up to 90 days from the termination effective date to switch to another CTA. After 90 days, if they haven't chosen a new CTA, they must continue to receive gas procurement service from SoCalGas for a total of 12 months before being eligible to return to service under the CAT program.

These programs are approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and may be modified or terminated at any time. The CAT Program is subject to Tariff Rule No. 32 and other applicable tariffs and CPUC decisions that are in effect from time to time.


Participating Core Transport Agents

Find a core transport agent to meet your natural gas needs.
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Providers for Noncore Customers

Noncore customers can also purchase natural gas from a gas supplier.
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Become an ESP

Find out how to become an Energy Service Provider.
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