24-Hour Media Line

Two trucks at fueling station. Text reads LCFS Fuel Card Incentive Program.
Lady on the phone holding a shovel calling 811 before digging
Generic banner with of a hillside with a blue hue over the whole image
SoCalGas Employees Volunteering, picking fruit, posing for a photo in front of the orchard.
Graduate hugging loved one with diploma in hand
Generic banner with of a hillside with a blue hue over the whole image
SoCalGas Employee at customers door
People holding a giant check and floaties for a pool at a restaurant
Image of a Ford Electric Van
People in an office room holding miniature signs on sticks in front of their faces
SoCalGas Volunteers posing in front of a Labor Community Services truck
Award Winners on stage holding their awards at the Climate Registry Event
Generic image of a field with mountains in the background
Corporate Sustainability Report Highlight: 100% RNG delivered
Image of the energy star award on a table with dozens of other awards