Ventura Compressor Station

The Ventura Compressor Station currently supplies natural gas for heat, cooking and hot water to over a quarter million customers in Ventura and up and down the Central Coast. It is the only compressor station on the SoCalGas coastal transmission system and is critical to energy reliability and resiliency. The station has been operating safely and reliably since 1923, with the current equipment in place since the 1980s. It is equipped with a series of safety systems that protect our employees, contractors, and the neighboring community. These systems are routinely checked and verified for proper operations. Safety systems include:
- Emergency shutdown system that is designed to depressurize (within three minutes) and isolate the station from all energy sources if fire or methane leaks are detected inside the compressor station.
- Pressure safety valves (relief valves) are installed on all gas-carrying pipes to prevent over-pressurization.
- Methane detection sensors and fire detection systems are installed in the compressor building to closely monitor for methane leaks and sparks.
- Compressor units are also equipped with vibration sensors that will trigger unit shutdown if excessive vibration is detected to prevent mechanical damage.
Additionally, the station is staffed by onsite employees who maintain the station, and the station is monitored 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Fence-Line Methane Monitoring Interactive Dashboard
As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping the Ventura community informed with timely, open and transparent communications, SoCalGas has developed an interactive dashboard to allow public access to methane and weather monitoring data collected at SoCalGas’ Ventura Compressor Station.
Ventura Compressor Modernization Project
SoCalGas proposes to install a hybrid gas/electric compressor system located at the existing Ventura Compressor Station. The project will modernize the facility by replacing the three existing aging natural gas compressors with two new electric-driven compressors and two new natural gas compressors.
What is a Compressor Station?
Compressor stations are one of the most important components of the natural gas transmission system. These facilities increase the pressure to move the gas through the pipelines. Natural gas may be moved from larger pipelines, known as transmission pipelines into smaller, lower pressure pipelines that transport the natural gas throughout our service territory and often directly to commercial or industrial customers including electric generation customers. The natural gas is then moved into even smaller and lower pressure pipelines for delivery to homes and businesses throughout the service territory.
We own, operate, and maintain a pipeline system consisting of more than 101,000 miles of pipelines throughout Southern California. As natural gas moves through a pipeline, distance, friction, and changes in elevation slow the movement of the gas and reduce pressure. To keep the natural gas moving along the pipeline, it must be compressed periodically. Compressor stations are placed strategically within the pipeline system to help maintain the pressure and flow of gas throughout our service territory to our customers. These stations operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are monitored by highly trained personnel.
Soil Remediation Project
In June 2022, we informed the CPUC, the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) and Ventura County Air Pollution Control District about our plans to move forward with our separate soil remediation project at the Ventura Compressor Station.
For more information, contact: Projectinfo@socalgas.com or 1-805-681-7937.
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