加州能源優惠計畫 (CARE)

選擇不同語言 : Español. 中文. 한국어. Tiếng Việt.
透過 CARE 計劃,您可能有資格享受每月天然氣帳單 20% 的折扣
Two Ways to Qualify
1. 公共援助計劃
- Medi-Cal/Medicaid
- Medi-Cal 為 A & B 家庭
- 婦嬰兒童營養補助計劃 (WIC)
- CalWORKs (TANF)[1] /部落 TANF
- 學前教育班補助金計劃 — 僅限部落
- 印第安事務局一般協助計劃
- CalFresh(食物券)
- 全國學童午餐計劃 (NSLP)
- 低收入家庭能源協助計劃 (LIHEAP)
- 社會安全補助金 (SSI)
2. 家庭最高收入
Effective June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.
家庭成員數量 | 家庭年總收入不超過 |
1-2 | $40,880 |
3 | $51,640 |
4 | $62,400 |
5 | $73,160 |
6 | $83,920 |
7 | $94,680 |
8 | $105,440 |
How to Re-Apply Online to the CARE Program with SoCalGas
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial on re-applying online to the CARE Program with SoCalGas.
How to Prove your Eligibility to the CARE Program Online with SoCalGas
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial on verifying your eligibility to remain enrolled in the CARE Program with SoCalGas, all done online.
有資格的居民 CARE 客戶可透過欠費管理計畫獲得逾期帳單寬免。
若要了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 socalgas.com/Forgiveness。
- 天然氣帳單必須在您的名下,地址必須是您的主要地址。
- 您不得聲明為除您配偶之外其他人的所得稅申報表的受援助者。
- 您必須在需要時重新認證您的申請。
- 如果您不再符合資格,您必須在 30 天之內通知 SoCalGas。
- 您可能被要求確認您的 CARE 參與資格。您可在這裡檢視我們的 CARE 計劃常見問題。
- 如果您最近失業,您的家庭收入將從您失業之日起算。[2]

Mail completed form to: SoCalGasCARE ProgramPO BOX 3249Los Angeles CA 90051-1249
or fax completed form to:
Mobile Home/Submetered Apartment Application
Mobile Home/Submetered Apartment Application (Large Font English)
If you are operating an agricultural employee housing facility, migrant services and nonprofit migrant farm worker housing centers, or a nonprofit group living facility (homeless shelter, drug rehabilitation center, halfway house, hospice), your facility may be eligible for the CARE program.
Agricultural Housing Facility Application
Migrant Services and Nonprofit Farm Worker Housing Centers Application
Non-profit and/or community-based organizations can apply to be compensated for assisting SoCalGas with new enrollments in the CARE program.
- Agencies are accepted based on SoCalGas' geographic needs and the agency's ability to incorporate the program into their existing services.
- Agencies will be compensated for all approved CARE applications that are submitted to SoCalGas.
- The program will not compensate for ineligible customers, incomplete applications, or customers already enrolled in the CARE program.
- To submit a completed CARE application, please go to edt.sempra.com, and securely email the completed applications to the program manager or fax it to 818-701-3960.
- Please make sure your 2-character source code is written clearly on the application.
- Please contact the program manager if you would like a Capitation Agency training refresher.
For more information please call 1-800-427-2200.
Telecommunication devices for the speech and hearing impaired TDD/TTY are available at 1-800-252-0259
English and Spanish only.
CARE participants could lower the cost of their phone bills with the California LifeLine Program. Visit www.californialifeline.com to see the types of discounts available and learn how to apply.
[1] 包括工作福利
[2] 關於上述所有決定收入的其他條款仍然適用。
CARE 計劃由加州公用事業客戶資助,由 SoCalGas 在加州公用事業委員會 (CPUC) 的指導下進行管理。計劃資金遵循先到先得的原則分配,直到此類資金用完為止。此程式可能會被修改或終止, 恕不另行通知。適用資格要求;有關詳細資訊, 請參閱程式條件。