California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)

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You may qualify for 20% off your monthly natural gas bill through the CARE program
Two Ways to Qualify for CARE
1. Public assistance programs
If you or another person in your household receives benefits from any of the following programs.
- Medi-Cal/Medicaid
- Medi-Cal for Families A & B
- Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
- CalWORKs (TANF)[1] or Tribal TANF
- Head Start Income Eligible - Tribal Only
- Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
- CalFresh (Food Stamps)
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
2. Maximum Household Income
Effective June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.
Household size | Total yearly household income not more than |
1-2 | $40,880 |
3 | $51,640 |
4 | $62,400 |
5 | $73,160 |
6 | $83,920 |
7 | $94,680 |
8 | $105,440 |
Each additional Person +$10,760
How to Re-Apply Online to the CARE Program with SoCalGas
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial on re-applying online to the CARE Program with SoCalGas.
How to Prove your Eligibility to the CARE Program Online with SoCalGas
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial on verifying your eligibility to remain enrolled in the CARE Program with SoCalGas, all done online.
Conditions for Participation
- The natural gas bill must be in your name and the address must be your primary address.
- You must not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s income tax return other than your spouse.
- You must recertify your application when requested.
- You must notify SoCalGas within 30 days if you no longer qualify.
- You may be asked to verify your eligibility for CARE. You can view our CARE Verification FAQs here.
- If you are recently unemployed, your household income will be calculated from the date of your unemployment.[2]
Past due bill forgiveness may be available to eligible residential CARE customers through the Arrearage Management Plan. Learn more at socalgas.com/Forgiveness.

Mail completed form to: SoCalGasCARE ProgramPO BOX 3249Los Angeles CA 90051-1249
or fax completed form to:
Mobile Home/Submetered Apartment Application
Mobile Home/Submetered Apartment Application (Large Font English)
If you are operating an agricultural employee housing facility, migrant services and nonprofit migrant farm worker housing centers, or a nonprofit group living facility (homeless shelter, drug rehabilitation center, halfway house, hospice), your facility may be eligible for the CARE program.
Agricultural Housing Facility Application
Migrant Services and Nonprofit Farm Worker Housing Centers Application
Non-profit and/or community-based organizations can apply to be compensated for assisting SoCalGas with new enrollments in the CARE program.
- Agencies are accepted based on SoCalGas' geographic needs and the agency's ability to incorporate the program into their existing services.
- Agencies will be compensated for all approved CARE applications that are submitted to SoCalGas.
- The program will not compensate for ineligible customers, incomplete applications, or customers already enrolled in the CARE program.
- To submit a completed CARE application, please go to edt.sempra.com, and securely email the completed applications to the program manager or fax it to 818-701-3960.
- Please make sure your 2-character source code is written clearly on the application.
- Please contact the program manager if you would like a Capitation Agency training refresher.
For more information please call 1-800-427-2200.
Telecommunication devices for the speech and hearing impaired TDD/TTY are available at 1-800-252-0259
English and Spanish only.
CARE participants could lower the cost of their phone bills with the California LifeLine Program. Visit www.californialifeline.com to see the types of discounts available and learn how to apply.
[1] Includes Welfare-to-Work
[2] All other provisions on determining income, described above, still apply.
The CARE program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis until such funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice. Eligibility requirements apply; see the program conditions for details.